You may want to add in honoree names that registrants can choose to dedicate their sponsorship to. 

How to get there: 

  • Login to your Wizevents account.
  • Click on the Websites (Journals) tab.
  • Locate the event you'd like to make changes to. On the same line, under the actions column, hover over the three dots and choose website setup
  • Click on the Honorees tab from the left hand side.

What to do:

Click on the add honoree button.

Enter the honoree name, tagline and bio. Before you can upload a photo, you must first save this information.

Click Save  to maintain your changes or Discard to cancel your changes.

To add an honoree photo, click on the honoree name or the under the actions column, the three dots and choose edit.

Upload the photo and Click Save to maintain your changes.