You may want to allow certain ticket types to register for only some of your goal amounts. 

For a New Ticket

How to get there:

Login to your Wizathon back end system

Click on the "Setup/Tools" tab. 

Click on "Registration Form Setup-Participant & Volunteer Tickets, Questions, Discounts, Goals".

Under the Ticket Types section, click on "+add new ticket type"

What to do:

Under "Select Goals to be Displayed for this Ticket type", choose which goals to associate with this ticket type.

Click "Save New Participant Ticket Type".

For Existing Tickets

How to get there:

Login to your Wizathon back end system

Click on the "Setup/Tools" tab. 

Click on "Registration Form Setup-Participant & Volunteer Tickets, Questions, Discounts, Goals".

Under the Goal section, click on pencil for each goal.

What to do:

Under "Select Tickets to Associate This Goal With", choose which tickets to associate with this goal.

Click "Save Goal".


You can always associates goals with ticket types even after registration begins. BUT, if you associate goals with one ticket type, you must do it for ALL ticket types in order for it to work properly