You may want to make changes to the list of Suggested Acts of Kindness available to your participants.
How to get there:
Login to your GivingForKindness account.
Click on your current campaign's name or the edit link to the right of it.
What to do:
Click on the "Setup/Tools" tab.
Click on "Suggested Giving Back Activities" from the middle column.
To add a giving back activity, click on the "Add New Activity" and enter the new item.
To edit a giving back activity, click on the pencil icon (edit) located adjacent to the existing activity and update.
To delete a giving back activity, click on the x (delete) located adjacent to the existing activity.
Please note, that once someone has signed up to perform a specific activity, you cannot delete it.
To import our suggested giving back activities, click on the "Import List of Suggested Activities" button and select the appropriate age range that you wish to import.
When you are finished, click on the "Return to Setup/Tool" button.