You can create badges to help incentivize participants and teams.

How to get there:

Login to your GivingForKindness account.

Click on your current campaign's name or the edit link to the right of it.

What to do:

Click on the "Setup/Tools" tab. 

Click on "Badge Management" from the middle column.

To add a badge, click on the "Add New Badge" button, select the badge type, the badge category, and the quantity to determine how the badge is awarded. Finally, select a badge icon and click "Save Badge". For instance, you can create an email badge when a participant has sent at least 3 emails. In this instance, you would click on Participant, Email, and enter 3 in the quantity field.

To edit a current badge, locate the badge you'd like to make changes to, and click on the pencil icon (edit). Then, select the badge type, the badge category, and the quantity to determine how the badge is awarded. Finally, select a badge icon and click "Save Badge".

To delete a badge, locate the badge icon and click on the x button (delete) near it. 

Click on the "Return to Setup/Tools" button when finished.