In Wizevents, the names typed in the First and Last Name fields will automatically display at the bottom of a text based ad. As well, what is listed in the First and Last Name fields for ads will automatically display in the scrolling list of sponsors on the home page of the event website and in the “Sponsors by Category” drop down.
In the case where you want the names in the ad to appear different than what is typed in the First and Last Name fields, follow the instructions below:
How to get there:
- Login to your Wizevents account.
- Click on the Websites (Journals) tab.
- Locate the event you'd like to view. Click on the name of the event or hover over the three dots to the right of the event name and choose manage ads.
- Locate the ad you'd like to view. Click on the name of the ad or hover over the three dots to the right of the ad and choose edit.
What to do:
Locate and click on the checkbox, "Remove name within ad". Now, you can enter the sponsor names in the text box below however you'd like for them to appear.
Click Save With Current Status to maintain your changes or Discard to cancel your changes.