Use this feature if you want to do electronic check-in at the event using mobile devices. Note: that in order to use the electronic check-in module, you need to first assign attendees to tables. See solution “Assigning Attendees to Tables”.

How to get there:

  • Login to your Wizevents account.
  • Click on the Registrations/Donation Forms tab.
  • Locate the event you'd like to update. On the same line, under the actions column, hover over the three dots and choose form website setup.
  • From the tabs on left hand side, click General Information

What to do:

Step 1: Setup Check-in

In the field “Attendee Check-in Module Password:”, enter the password that staff and/or volunteers will use at the event to do electronic check-in.

Click Save to maintain your changes or Discard to cancel.

Step 2: Find the Event ID for the Event

Login to your Wizevents account.

Click on the Registrations/Donation Forms tab.

Locate the event you'd like to update. On the same line, under the actions column, hover over the three dots and choose view/copy URLs. 

Under the category Access Online Check-in, locate the 4 digit Event ID. 

Step 3: Access the Check-in Module

At the event you need to provide to the staff and/or volunteers the following:

  1.  The event id for the event from step 2. 
  2.  The password for the Check-in module from step 1.
  3.  The following URL to enter into their browser on their mobile device:

Step 4:  Check-in Attendees:
At the top of the screen are 2 buttons “Not Checked In” and “Checked In”. Click either one to display the Attendees that you wish to view.
You can find attendees either by sorting by attendee name, the registrant name, by table, or by typing in part of the last name and clicking the search icon.
To mark that someone is present, click the check mark.
To unmark that someone is present, if you’ve made a mistake, go to the “Checked In” tab, and click the red X next to their name.