You may receive checks for registrations for your event that have not been entered as registrations yet and need to enter them manually in the system for recording/attendee purposes. Using the steps below, the system will mark the registration as “paid” and send the donor a notification email.

How to get there:

Go to your Wizevents event registration form.

What to do:

You will simulate the registration process for the registrant.

Choose the appropriate ticket and amount.

Enter the attendee information, if applicable.

Enter the donor billing information including the donor's email address (see notes below)

Enter the credit card payment using override code (the Wizevents staff can supply you with that information).

Choose "Visa" as the credit card type, enter the override code as credit card number, use any valid expiration date and any 3 digits as CVV code.

Proceed with the registration until the process is complete.


If you don’t have the donor’s email address, use the primary event contact email address, and if you don’t have the donor’s billing address, use the organization’s address.