If the registrant paid by credit card and you need to issue a refund, you will need to first issue the refund via the merchant provider gateway that you are using (i.e. WePay, Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.net), then you will CANCEL the incorrect registration.

Step 1: Refunding the Money (if applicable)
Log into your payment gateway (i.e. WePay, Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.net).
Find the transaction that you wish to refund and follow the directions within your gateway to issue the refund.

Step 2: Cancel the registration
To get there:
Login to the Wizevents admin backend.

Click on the Registration/Donation Forms tab.

Locate the event you'd like to view. Click on the name of the event or hover over the three dots, to the right of event name, and choose transactions/reports.

Click on the Registrants tab from the left hand side. 

What to do:
Find the Registrant’s name by typing in a few letters of the Registrant’s last name in the “Last Name” search box and click on the adjacent magnifying glass.
Adjacent to the Registrant name, hover over the 3 dots under the actions column and select cancel registration.
A dialogue box will appear and ask you to confirm or ignore the cancellation request. Select OK to proceed.

To RE-ENTER a Registration
Go back to the Event Website so that you can choose the correct option from the registration form. 
Enter the registrant details as if you were filling it out for the registrant.

Additional notes:
If you DON’T want the registrant to receive the corrected registration notification email, use your email address on the registration checkout page.