You may want to upload a head-shot of the honoree or chairmen to the event website.

How to get there: 

  • Login to your Wizevents account.
  • Click on the Websites (Journals) tab.
  • Locate the event you'd like to make changes to. On the same line, under the actions column, hover over the three dots and choose website setup.
  • From the tab on the left hand side, choose Site Content Pages. 
  • Locate the page labeled Honoree and click on it OR hover over the three dots to the right of the Honoree page and choose edit.
  • To create a new page, click on the create page button.

What to do:

Enter the honoree bio in the text box.

Click on the line where you would like the photo to be placed.

Click on the "Image" icon from the tool list, which is located on the second row, seventh icon from the right.

Under the "Upload" tab, click "Choose File" to locate the file on your local computer. Then, click "Send it to the Server".

You will be looking at the "Image Info" tab next, and you can then select the desired alignment.

Then, enter 12 (pixels) under the H-space and 8 under the V-Space. 

Click Save to maintain your changes or Discard to cancel your changes. 


We recommend sizing the photo to something like 250 px width by 400 px height. If you need any assistance with resizing or formatting your website pages, please send an email to the Wizadjournal support staff:  [email protected].